December 31, 2009
Week in Review: 09.15.12
This week on Design Observer:
Rick Poynor introduced us to the collages of John Stezaker, who makes a maximum resonance with limited means.
Jessica Helfand remembered the revolutionary Bill Moggridge.
Scott Boylston reviewed the 2012 Design Ethos conference and how it is designing design into society.
Places devoted the week to women in architecture, beginning with Gabrielle Esperdy‘s The Incredible True Adventures of the Architectress in America.
Despina Stratigakos explained Why Architects Need Feminism.
And Sandra Vivanco commented on a new generation of Latin American women designers.
Alexandra Lange found that Doris Duke’s Hawaii residence, Shangri La, is so bad it’s good.
Accidental Mysteries explored Kindra Murphy’s collection of ephemera.
OBlog posted a stunning unedited photo of Namibia, Rob Walker recommended Kenneth Goldsmith’s Uncreative Writing and we wished we were in London for the tenth London Design Festival.
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