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Home Audio Episode 100: Loving Librarians

Episode 100: Loving Librarians

Observatory listener Jill Chisnell, a librarian at Carnegie Mellon School of Design, wrote in to ask, “What makes a good library collection?”

Jessica talks about her recent trip to the Ephemera Society of America’s latest Ephemera Fair, where

every time we went to a different booth, that dealer had organized their material differently.…So you can have the Dewey Decimal System you can have Google search engines, but at the end of the day a good Scholars going to find something between these different categories.

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By Michael Bierut & Jessica Helfand

Jessica Helfand, a founding editor of Design Observer, is an award-winning graphic designer and writer and a former contributing editor and columnist for Print, Communications Arts and Eye magazines. A member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale and a recent laureate of the Art Director’s Hall of Fame, Helfand received her B.A. and her M.F.A. from Yale University where she has taught since 1994.

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