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Home Audio Episode 130: Tackling History

Jessica Helfand, Bobby C. Martin, Jr.|Audio

July 16, 2020

Episode 130: Tackling History

Jessica talks with Bobby C. Martin Jr., founding partner of Champions Design, about his longstanding desire to rebrand the NFL team in Washington:

It’s really tough dealing with change in the world that we live in, as designers who really focus on brand identity and systems, and often in ways that are unafraid to approach really tough topics and companies that have been around for hundreds of years, literally. That’s something where I think with the Washington Redskins, we could go in and learn as much as possible about who they are now, where they would want to go over the next 20, 50 years.


  • Champions Design on their recent rebrand
  • NFL Films, Doug Williams in the Super Bowl
  • PACSCL, Brandon D. Holt Collection of Oral History Interviews on Black Student Activism at Princeton
  • Melissa Clark, New York Times, Salt and Pepper Roast Chicken
  • Melissa Clark, New York Times, Simplest Roast Chicken Recipe
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    By Jessica Helfand, Bobby C. Martin & Jr.

    Jessica Helfand, a founding editor of Design Observer, is an award-winning graphic designer and writer and a former contributing editor and columnist for Print, Communications Arts and Eye magazines. A member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale and a recent laureate of the Art Director’s Hall of Fame, Helfand received her B.A. and her M.F.A. from Yale University where she has taught since 1994.

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