February 1, 2008
Fifteen Minutes of Fame
Paul Rand, played by Jack Nicholson.
There’s a great line in the Oscar-nominated film Juno in which the title character, contemplating the sort of family she’d like for her unborn child, resists the notion of “wholesome,” telling her friend, Leah, that she was hoping for something a little edgier — like, say, a graphic designer.
Truth be told, we did a little research and discovered that Canadian actress Ellen Page — who plays Juno — is, in fact, the child of a graphic designer. But still, it got us thinking: if graphic design’s become so edgy as a profession that we’re getting name-dropped in hit movies, maybe it’s time to get serious about how we’re really being portrayed.
Herewith, our initial choices for some friends and likely suspects, appearing soon in Graphic Design: The Movie.
[Casting is now closed. Comments are welcome with additional suggestions in case we have to cast the sequel.]
Sean Adams, played by Ryan Seacrest.
Laura Linney as Marian Bantjes.
Saul Bass, played by Gene Hackman. (Submitted by Josh Berta.)
John Bielenberg, played by Gary Oldman. (Submitted by Josh Berta.)
Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Michael Bierut.
Giambattista Bodoni, played by Liev Schreiber. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Woody Allen as Michael Brenner. (Submitted by Cyprian Sadlon.)
Neville Brody, played by Benicio del Toro.
Robert Brownjohn, played by Stephen Fye. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Paul Newman as Ralph Caplan.
Robert Redford as David Carson.
Matthew Carter, played by David Carradine.
Matthew Carter, played by Ian McKellen. (Submitted by Marc Witt.)
William Caslon I, played by George Dzundza. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
A.M. Cassandre, played by Robert DeNiro. (Submitted by Owen Troy.)
Art Chantry, played by Jason Alexander. (Submitted by Josh Berta.)
Steve Martin as Ivan Chermayeff.
Richard Briers as Ivan Chermayeff. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Keanu Reeves as Allan Chochinov.
Brian Collins, played by Jeremy Piven.
James Spader as Stephen Doyle. (Submitted by Carl W. Smith.)
Jeremy Irons as William Drenttel.
Michael Douglas as William Drenttel. (Submitted by Mitch Goldstein & Joey Pfeifer.)
Hugh Dubberly, played by Steve Carrell.
W.A. Dwiggins, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Dick Van Dyke as Alvin Eisenman.
Benicio Del Toro as Adam Eeuwens.
Mark English, played by Bruce Willis.
Crispin Glover as Tobias Frere-Jones. (Submitted by Marian Bantjes.)
Johnny Depp as Tobias Frere-Jones. (Submitted by Marian Bantjes.)
Richard Belzer as Tobias Frere-Jones.
Ed Fella, played by Tom Hanks.
Colin Forbes, played by Ernest Borgnine. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Johnny Depp as Thomas Fuchs. (Submitted by Felix Sockwell.)
Eric Gill, played by Tim Gunn. (Submitted by Owen Troy.)
Milton Glaser, played by Robin Williams.
Milton Glaser, played by Eli Manning of the New York Giants. (Submitted by Carl W. Smith.)
Frederic W. Goudy, played by Charles Durning. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Sylvia Harris, played by Halle Berry.
Rudy De Harak, played by Sean Connery
Luke Hayman, played by Mark Ruffalo. (Submitted by Hollis Duncan)
Sandra Bullock as Jessica Helfand.
Courteney Cox-Arquette as Jessica Helfand.
Steven Heller, played by Bruce Willis.
Ben Kingsley as Steven Heller. (Submitted by Marian Bantjes.)
Kenny Rogers as Kit Hinrichs. (Submitted by Joe Moran.)
Jonathan Hoefler, played by Rainn Wilson.
Nicolas Jenson, played by Hugh Laurie. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Maira Kalman, played by Susan Sarandon. (Submitted by Hollis Duncan.)
Tibor Kalman, played by George Clooney. (Submitted by Hollis Duncan.)
Ed Norton as Chip Kidd.
Julia Louis Dreyfus as Zuzana Licko. (Submitted by Amy Fidler.)
George Lois, played by James Gandolfini. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Ellen Lupton, played by Sarah Jessica Parker.
John Maeda, played by B. D. Wong.
John Maeda, played by Russell Wong.
Bobby Martin, played by Ice Cube. (Submitted by Hollis Duncan)
Rob Reiner as Bruce Mau.
Bruce Mau, played by James Gandolfini. (Submitted by Lisa Kelly.)
Rebeca Mendez, played by Bjork.
Katherine McCoy played by Vanessa Redgrave.
Kevin Bacon as J. Abbott Miller.
Debbie Millman, played by Kyra Sedgwick.
Joe Moran, played by Joshua Malina.
Margaret Cho as Noreen Morioka.
Murray Moss, played by Willie Garson.
Jude Law as Christoph Niemann. (Submitted by Marian Bantjes.)
Andy Dick as Christoph Niemann. (Submitted by Felix Sockwell.)
Holly Hunter as Emily Oberman.
Christopher Plantin, played by Redd Foxx. (Submitted by Jonathan Hoefler.)
Cipe Pineles, played by Chloe Sevigny.
Simon Cowell as Rick Poynor.
Chris Pullman, played by Ted Danson.
Paul Rand, played by Jack Nicholson.
Paul Rand, played by Drew Carey. (Submitted by David Albertson.)
Paul Rand, played by Larry “Bud” Mellman. (Submitted by Sam Potts.)
Michael Rock, played by Ben Affleck.
Benicio Del Torre as Stefan Sagmeister. (Submitted by Bobby Dragulescu.)
Stefan Sagmeister, played by Zack Braff. (Submitted by Hollis Duncan.)
Louise Sandhaus, played by Renee Zellweger.
Peter Saville, played by Sean Bean. (Submitted by Luke Atkinson.)
Julie Christie as Paula Scher.
Allison Janney as Paula Scher. (Submitted by Teddy Blanks.)
Felicity Huffman as Paula Scher. (Submitted by Amy Fidler.)
Stanley Tucci as Adrian Shaughnessy. (Submitted by Prescott Perez-Fox.)
Bonnie Siegler, played by Mary-Louise Parker.
Bob Balaban as Eric Spiekermann. (Submitted by Christian Neumann.)
Gunnar Swanson, played by Jean Reno.
Gunnar Swanson, played by John Malcovich. (Submitted by Kate Lamere.)
Gene Hackman as Anton Stankowski. (Submitted by Joe Moran.)
Jason Tselentis, played by Colin Hanks. (Submitted by Sean Flanagan.)
Bill Murray as Edward Tufte. (Submitted by Amy Fidler.)
Cameron Diaz as Alice Twemlow.
Dustin Hoffman as Rick Valicenti. (Submitted by Marian Bantjes.)
Viggo Mortensen as James Victore. (Submitted by Hollis Duncan.)
Tucker Viemeister, played by Nick Nolte.
Massimo Vignelli, played by Sean Connery.
Khoi Vinh, played by Tobey Maguire.
Antonio Banderas as Armin Vit.
Lorraine Wild, played by Meryl Streep. (Submitted by Sean Adams.)
Fred Woodward, played by John Turturro. (Submitted by Marc Witt.)
Richard Saul Wurman, played by Danny Devito.
Jim Carrey as Ze Frank. (Submitted by Marian Bantjes.)
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By The Editors