April 8, 2013
Welcoming Dr. Paul Polak
Design Observer is delighted to welcome Dr. Paul Polak as a Featured Writer and Contributor. Dr. Polak is the Founder and CEO of Windhorse International, a for-profit social venture with the mission of leading a revolution in how companies design, price, market and distribute products to benefit the 2.6 billion customers who live on less than $2 a day.
He has also founded D-Rev: Design Revolution, a design incubator for technologies that serve poor customers; and International Development Enterprises, which has brought nearly 20 million of the world’s poorest out of poverty by making radically affordable technology available through local entrepreneurs and markets.
Dr. Polak is the author of Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail, which has become a renowned resource for practical solutions to global poverty.
You can explore his archives, featuring essays such as Is it Immoral to Earn Attractive Profits from Poor Customers? and The Last 500 Feet. You can also follow him on Twitter at @OutofPoverty.
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