December 4, 2017
50 Books | 50 Covers of 2017: Call for Entries
AIGA + Design Observer are pleased to announce the 50 Books | 50 Covers competition for books published in 2017.
This survey of the best in book design represents perhaps the longest-standing legacy in American graphic design. Beginning in 1923, the Fifty Books of the Year competition was a yearly mainstay of AIGA. As dust jackets became more common, covers were added to the competition. In 2012, Design Observer, in partnership with AIGA, began hosting the competition and through a continuing joint venture, we are delighted to usher in another year of amazing book and cover design.
The early entry deadline is February 14, 2018 (fees increase $25 per book after this date). The competition will close February 28, 2018.
Historical collections of books and book covers dating back to 1924 can be viewed in the AIGA Design Archives. View the winners of 50 Books | 50 Covers of 2011–2016 here.
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By The Editors