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Home Miscellaneous Celebrate World Toilet Day


November 19, 2012

Celebrate World Toilet Day

Meet Mr. Toilet from Focus Forward Films was featured in the Design Indaba online film festival in 2012.

Things to read on the crapper*:

“We shall deal here with humble things”
The design, culture and politics of the bathroom — and how “this smallest of domestic rooms is linked to the larger worlds of engineering and infrastructure.”

Flies in Urinals: The Value of Design Disruptions

How a disruption in routine (potentially by design) can alter the environment.

The Water Underground
A video from the Center for Urban Pedagogy that tracks the complex — and contested — systems of water supply, treatment and waste that serve New York City.

The Most Beautiful Crapper in the World
In 1772, the Antwerp alderman Adrien van den Bogaert purchased a historic property in the center of the city and then hired architect Engelbert Baets to renovate the place.

Flush with Inequality: Sanitation in South Africa
The complex political, social and environmental meanings of sanitation in post-apartheid South Africa.

A self-sanitizing, single-use, biodegradable container for human waste.

Providing sanitation and electricity in a single venture.

Don’t Flush Me
Prototype for urban system to detect and prevent sewage overflows

The Art of Solid Waste
A slideshow of photographer Paho Mann’s images of post-consumer detritus — a.k.a. trash — part of a new public art project at a solid waste facility in Phoenix, Arizona.

*World Toilet Day is observed annually on November 19th. 2.5 billion people in the world don’t have access to a toilet, even fewer have access to proper sewage treatment. Managing human waste in our ever-increasing world population is one of the major design challenges of urban planners and a topic no one can afford to ignore.