Showing 13 – 24 of 398 results
James Cartwright|Essays
Architecture for the People: Bryan C. Lee is Taking Trust Back into Public Spaces
“Architecture is the most democratic and the least democratically used tool.”
Michael Bierut|Essays
What’s That Crashing Sound, Or, Eisenman in Cincinnati
I had chosen to spend five years in a place that many considered the ugliest college campus in America.
Thomas de Monchaux|Books
Something Elemental About Something Artificial
Exploring the complex space between the formal and informal, the formed and formless with LOT-EK.
Bill Shaffer|Essays
Modern Survivor
An enormous, glorious, digital clock: a quintessential expression of the design ethos of the 1960s.
Michael Bierut|Audio
S2E5: David Rockwell
David Rockwell is the founder and president of the architecture and design firm the Rockwell Group and a theatrical set designer.
Michael Bierut|Audio
S1E8: Leslie Koch
Leslie Koch was the president and CEO of the Trust for Governors Island.
Debbie Millman|Audio
Pierluigi Serraino
Debbie talks to architect Pierluigi Serraino about some of the things creative people have in common.
Michael Bierut|Audio
S1E3: Deborah Berke
Deborah Berke is the founding partner of Deborah Berke Partners, the architect of the 21c Museum Hotels, and the Dean of the Yale School of Architecture.
Mark Lamster|Essays
How to Design an Iconic NY Fast Food Joint
Design secrets of New York fast food icons.
Michael Bierut|Audio
Shapes and Japes
Corporate design humor from Mic Drop to, photoviz, remembering Zaha Hadid
Rick Poynor|Exposure
Exposure: Kreuzberg Tower in Berlin by Hélène Binet
The aura of a building
Debbie Millman|Audio
Design Matters From the Archive: Michael Arad
The designer of the 9/11 memorial—Michael Arad— on the process of design.
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