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Steven Heller|Essays
Dave King (RIP)
Last January I thought I had received an email from a ghost.
Debbie Millman|Audio
Lynda Barry
On this episode cartoonist Lynda Barry talks about learning how to draw, and the damaging effects of one’s own opinion.
Steven Heller|Books
Booklover’s Guide to Le-Tan
Steven Heller on illustrator Pierre Le-Tan and his daughter Cleo Le-Tan’s A Booklover’s Guide to New York.
Steven Heller|Interviews
Probable Improbabilities
Steven Heller talks to “Possibilitist” Steven M. Johnson about the reality of his absurdity and his new book Vehicles of the Imagination.
Lily Hansen|Interviews
Illustrator Ella Paton Thinks We Should Ditch Expectations and Show Our Mistakes
My new philosophy is, Sod it. Just do it. And stop saying “sorry.”
Steven Heller|Interviews
Born to be Posthumous
Your book on Edward Gorey has been a long term journey for you. I know why I want to spend time reading it, but why did you want to invest so much of your life in Gorey’s head?