Showing 61 – 67 of 67 results
Jessica Helfand|Essays
Under The Microscope
It turns out that microscopy, like most things, has basically gone digital: no surprise there. But what did surprise me was the realization that scientific observation obliges its participants to engage in a kind of resistance to …
William Drenttel|Essays
Edward Tufte: The Dispassionate Statistician III
A year in advance of its publication, a chapter from Edward Tufte's next book, Beautiful Evidence, has been posted on his website under Ask E.T. "Sparklines: Intense, Simple, Word-Sized Graphics," makes a case for the "wonderful …
Jessica Helfand|Essays
Take Two Logos and Call Me in the Morning
Jessica Helfand|Essays
One Person, One Vote, One MRI?
In our little New England village, voting takes place at the local Town Hall, a small building on Main Street with two entrances that lead to one large room containing a single voting booth. In the last primary, local officials placed …
Jessica Helfand|Essays
Annals of Typographic Oddity No. 2: Spaceship Gothic
An upcoming auction of space memorabilia at Swann Galleries features a number of unusual specimens of paper ephemera which have miraculously survived the last half-century of American (and Soviet) space exploration. Who designed them? …
William Drenttel|Essays
Call for Entries: Periodic Table of the Elements
Jessica Helfand and I are building a collection of Periodic Tables and hope to publish a book on their scientific, visual and cultural history. We are looking for examples — historical or contemporary — of interesting, …
William Drenttel|Essays
Uut, Uup and Away
Uut is the periodic symbol for Ununtrium, element no. 113, while Uup is the symbol for Ununpentium, element no. 115. Their discovery was jointly announced a few days ago by the Institute of Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia and the …
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