September 3, 2015
Naive in Norwalk
Editor’s Note: As students get ready to head back to college, we’re re-posting this article from April that guides you through the graphic designers you need to know. Are we missing any? Leave a comment and let us know.
Dear Bonnie,
I’m a graduate level design student who did not have an undergraduate design education. This semester I’ve already gotten scolded by two professors for not having heard of graphic designers they’ve mentioned in class. So, lay it on me: who are the designers that I absolutely need to know about? I don’t want to be embarrassed again!
Naive in Norwalk
Dear N.,
I’m so glad you asked. Knowing your design history is a crucial component of being a good designer (as is knowing your art history and ideally, having a general notion of what’s happening in the world around you as well). So I thank you for giving me the opportunity to share some heroes in this space.
I’ve made the executive decision to go with historical figures and not include people still practicing today, so this is a list of great graphic designers you should know about who are no longer living. I am keeping the list to twenty, but of course, could go on and on. Perhaps we’ll do additional installments in future columns.
And, to avoid debate about order, this list is alphabetical, and each designer is shown with a representation of their work. I’m making an executive decision and assuming you know Paul Rand, Massimo Vignelli, Saul Bass, and Charles Eames.
Rather than try and give you an insufficient crash course in each designer here, I ask that you please, please look each of them up and read about their unique and brilliant contributions to the field of graphic design. And if you already know everyone on this list, good for you! I put it together for the guy sitting next to you.
And one final note: don’t think I’m unaware of how few women are on this list. It’s not my fault. The field was dominated by men for a very long time. But thankfully not anymore. Female students now outnumber males at most design schools and, as more and more women achieve higher positions at corporations, they’ve been more open to hiring female designers and female leaders. Maybe a new generation of men will feel the same way. They will if they’re smart.
Herbert Bayer
Lester Beall
Alexey Brodovitch
A. M. Cassandre
Lou Dorfsman
Ray Eames
Bea Feitler
William Golden
TIbor Kalman
Leo Lionni
El Lissitzky
Herb Lubalin
Alvin Lustig
Herbert Matter
Josef Müller-Brockmann
Cipe Pineles
Ladislav Sutnar
Bradbury Thompson
Jan Tschichold
Piet Zwart
View all
By Bonnie Siegler