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Home Competitions Reimagine the Child Health Record with the Gates Foundation


July 26, 2013

Reimagine the Child Health Record with the Gates Foundation

Records for Life is a design competition by The Gates Foundation to reimagine the child health record. 

“The Gates Foundation is seeking creative individuals or teams to re-examine the current child health record and design new ways to accurately track vaccine doses, increase ease of interpretation and use, and incite behavior change to make the record a valued asset for health professionals and families alike.
To encourage participation and ensure maximum impact, the foundation will recognize the top entries – selected by a finalist panel including Melinda Gates (co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Dr. Margaret Chan (Director-General, WHO), Dr. Anthony Lake (Executive Director, UNICEF), Robert Fabricant (VP, Frog Design), Jocelyn Wyatt (co-lead and Executive Director, and Dr. Walt Orenstein (Professor of Medicine, Emory) — with awards of up to $50,000. 
Award winners may have part or all of the top designs piloted and adopted in as many as 10 countries by 2018.”
To participate or learn more, visit Records for Life