William Drenttel|Event-Education
October 15, 2010
Winterhouse First Symposium on Design Education and Social Change: Participants

Partner, Core77; Adjunct Faculty, School of Visual Arts MFA Programs
[email protected]
Allan Chochinov is a partner of Core77, a New York–based design network serving a global community of designers and design enthusiasts. He is the editor-in-chief of Core77.com, the widely read design website, Coroflot.com design job and portfolio site, and DesignDirectory.com design firm database. He has been named on numerous design and utility patents, and has received awards from Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, I.D. magazine, and The One Club. He teaches in the graduate departments of Pratt Institute and the School of Visual Arts in New York City, and serves on the boards of the Designers Accord and Design Ignites Change.

Executive Director, Center for Social Innovation
[email protected]
Kriss Deiglmeier is the executive director for the Center for Social Innovation at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Deiglmeier has more than 20 years of management experience spanning the business, social enterprise, nonprofit, and philanthropic sectors. Prior to Stanford, Deiglmeier worked as a management consultant to foundation, business, and nonprofit enterprises. She served as chief operating officer for Juma Ventures, and worked with the United Way of King County, Larkin Street Youth Center, and Nordstrom. Deiglmeier has presented nationally and internationally on topics including social entrepreneurship and public-private partnerships.

Editorial Director, Design Observer and Winterhouse Institute
[email protected]
William Drenttel is a partner at Winterhouse, a design practice in Falls Village, Connecticut, focused on social innovation, online media, and educational institutions. He is also design director for Teach For All, an international education network. Through the Winterhouse Institute, he is leading a series of initiatives funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to develop models for design and social innovation. Drenttel is president emeritus of AIGA and a senior faculty fellow at the Yale School of Management. He is the editorial director of Design Observer, a leading website focused on design, social innovation, urbanism and cultural commentary.

Director, Graduate Program in Interdisciplinary Design
Parsons The New School for Design
[email protected]
Jamer Hunt collaboratively designs open and flexible programs that respond to emergent cultural conditions. He is the director of the new graduate program in Transdisciplinary Design at Parsons the New School for Design. His practice, Big + Tall Design, combines conceptual, collaborative and communication design, and he is co-founder of DesignPhiladelphia an initiative to foreground the city as a laboratory for innovative design projects. With MoMA and SEED magazine, he collaborated on and co-hosted MIND08: The Design and the Elastic Mind symposium as well as the project Headspace: On Scent as Design in 2010. He has consulted or worked at Smart Design, frogdesign, WRT, Seventh Generation and Virtual Beauty. His written work engages with the poetics and politics of the built environment and has been published in various books, journals and magazines, including I.D. magazine, which published his Manifesto for Postindustrial Design in 2005.

[email protected]
In the past year Terry led a series of faculty retreats to develop a new mission/vision for the school which places design for the society and the environment at the heart of the curriculum. Previously Terry was a founding partner of the international firm MetaDesign and adjunct faculty at California College of Arts and Crafts, San Francisco. In 2004 she completed an MSc in Holistic Science at Schumacher College in Devon, England where she later joined the faculty to teach design to biologists, ecologists, sociologists and activists. She is a PhD researcher in the Natural Design Group at Dundee University, Scotland.

Academic Director of Sustainability, Pratt Institute
[email protected]
Debera Johnson founded the Pratt Design Incubator for Sustainable Innovation, and the Center for Sustainable Design Studies. She is a graduate of Pratt’s Industrial Design program and currently serves as Pratt’s first Academic Director for Sustainability. Her aspiration is to provide opportunities for creative people to collaborate around socially responsible projects that get implemented. She teaches in the Industrial Design and Environmental Management programs at Pratt. Debera is also leading the Pratt Academic Leadership Summit on Sustainability (PALSS), a collaborative group of “fellows” appointed by the presidents of 35 independent art and design colleges throughout North America who will be focusing on the sustainability and future of are and design education.

Founder and Director, Austin Center for Design
[email protected]
Jon Kolko is an Associate Creative Director at frog design and the Founder and Director of Austin Center for Design, an educational institution in Texas. Prior to working at frog, Jon was a Professor of Interaction and Industrial Design at the Savannah College of Art and Design, where he was instrumental in shaping the Interaction and Industrial Design undergraduate and graduate programs. Jon sits on the Board of Directors for the Interaction Design Association (IxDA), and is the Editor-in-Chief of interactions magazine, published by the ACM. He is the author of Thoughts on Interaction Design, and the forthcoming text entitled Exposing the Magic of Design: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Methods and Theory of Synthesis, to be published in late 2010 by Oxford University Press.

Editor, Design Observer and Winterhouse Institute, New York
[email protected]
Julie Lasky is the editor of Change Observer, a web site that focuses on design for social innovation and is a channel of Design Observer. Prior to that position, she was editor-in-chief of I.D., the award-winning magazine of international design, and of Interiors magazine, which she led to several national honors. She was also managing editor of Print magazine. Lasky is a widely published writer and critic, and the author of two books on design, including Some People Can’t Surf: The Graphic Design of Art Chantry. She recently joined the MFA design criticism faculty at New York’s School of Visual Arts.

Director, Helen Hamlyn Centre, Royal College of Art
[email protected]
Jeremy Myerson is a writer, academic and activist in design. He holds the Helen Hamlyn Chair of Design at the Royal College of Art, London, where he is director of the college’s Helen Hamlyn Centre, addressing design and social change. A former journalist and editor on such titles as Design, Creative Review, V&A Magazine and World Architecture, he founded Design Week in 1986. He is the author of many books on aspects of design and society, and has curated exhibitions at the Design Museum and V&A. He holds arts degrees from Hull University and the RCA.

[email protected]
Tony Sheldon has been the director of the Program on Social Enterprise at the Yale School of Management since 2008, where he teaches classes on social entrepreneurship and on microfinance. He is also the founder of Bering Consulting, which has worked since 1990 with microfinance institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, primarily in the areas of financial management and business planning. Tony has also worked with several development finance networks and funders, including Ford Foundation, ShoreBank International, Women’s World Banking, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), and the World Bank.

Associate Professor, Design Anthropology;
Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, Swinburne University
[email protected]
Dori Tunstall has established the first MDes Design Anthropology program in a design faculty in order to provide design anthropologists and anthrodesigers with the knowledge and skills for culture-based innovation. The program offers specializations in Indigenous Knowledge, Cross-Cultural Brand Identity Design Strategy, and Sustainable Design. Dori is also organizer of the U.S. National Design Policy Initiative.
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