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Category: Essays

Showing 73 – 84 of 2,775 results

Steven Heller|Essays

Peter Bradford, American Modern

Steven Heller remembers Peter Bradford, American Modern.

Steven Heller|Essays

The Bounty of Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving day marks the quiet before the storm, when life assumes a commodified celebratory pace until my least favorite holiday, New Year’s Eve, restarts the cycle again.

Steven Heller|Essays

On Being Displaced

I felt queasy entering my office last Friday for the first time in almost nine months, since the Covid-19 lockdown in mid-March.

George Aye|Essays

How We Shook Up the World’s Oldest Student Design Competition

A story in Design Observer started a life-changing collaboration between the RSA in London and a small design studio in Chicago, Illinois.

Steven Heller|Essays

A Brief Plea for EZ VOTE

Steven Heller wonders why some ambitious design-engineer-programmer has not yet invented the EZ-Pass reader or Global Entry kiosk equivalent for voters — EZ Vote.

Steven Heller|Essays

Power Through Restraint

In my memory, the newspaper of record has never unleashed such a full-bore graphic condemnation of a sitting president in an entire section, particularly where the photography and typography were so damn elegantly art directed.

Jessica Arana|Essays

Latinx Cultural Agency And Design Education

We urge design educators to adopt a different approach to design instruction — one that challenges traditional design canons, histories, and perspectives, capturing the realities of students from a variety of cultural landscapes.

Steven Heller|Essays

Reverse Migration: A Growing Pain

I am a rock ribbed, original New Yawka.

Sara Jamshidi|Essays

Design + Emotions: Part II

Type by itself may not always be sufficient in igniting change, or even the approachable or proper medium. But at its best, type becomes a platform. It inspires change.

Sara Jamshidi|Essays

Design + Emotion : Part I

What if design evoked emotions?

Steven Heller|Essays

E. McKnight Kauffer: Reappreciation Delayed

The unfortunate postponement of the exhibit is palpable. It promises to be an eye opener and hopefully will attract a large in-person number of culturally starved visitors at the Cooper Hewitt when Covid-19 loosens its grip.

Steven Heller|Essays

Milton Glaser’s First Last Hurrah

Sketch & Finish illustrates Glaser’s teaching agenda, which is to say, one makes sketches to explore the unknown.


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