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Category: Essays

Showing 85 – 96 of 2,775 results

Steven Heller|Essays

Exclusion Illustrated

Many respected Americans accepted eugenics. Justice Holmes wrote an 8 - 1 court decision that made forced sterilization federal law.

Steven Heller|Essays

The Loneliness of the Remote-Distance Teacher

Distance teaching is a difficult, lonely skill.

Steven Heller|Essays

Lou Rogers: Suffragist Cartoonist

Rogers was an outspoken reformer, using her voice and body as weapons in the battles for the vote and other fundamental human rights that were denied women.

Kathleen Meaney|Essays

From A to B (Africa to Bauhaus)

We can trace African innovation through modern art, but how about through modern design?

Steven Heller|Essays

Graphic Emergency Emerges in Poland

Political struggle has long fueled and catalyzed much of Poland’s historically visual innovations

Anne Quito|Essays

Design ≠ Art

“Design is the process of going from an existing condition to a preferred one.”

Anne Quito|Essays

Milton Glaser: Work = Love

Retirement, Glaser argues, is an outdated construct from the industrial age.

Laura Scherling|Essays

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies in Design

From Nakamoto to Facebook’s Libra, DApps, the art market, and COVID-19

Tara Gupta Dabir|Essays

How Public Art Will Shape The Next Chapter of US History

We’ve seen more action dictating the fate of landmarked Confederate statues since the demonstrations began than we have in the past decade.

Steven Heller|Essays

Social Distance Learning: The Remote Generation

Distance learning is meant to convey knowledge and teach skills that will allow students and aspiring professionals to make marks that communicate messages, ideas and impressions . . . to others.

Jessica Helfand|Essays

Remembering Ralph Caplan

"If it were a religious denomination", Caplan once wrote, "design would be Unitarianism"

Kathleen Meaney|Essays

A Breath of Fresh Architecture

What takes our breath away is both the thrill of life and life threatening.


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Design As Humanity

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